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How Do You Know You’re A Real DJ ?

You Know You’re A DJ When .. ?


This is a question we all ask ourselves in early stages of being a DJ. Taking the big step to perform in front of public needs some courage for sure.

Besides that, at least some basic DJ’ing skills and prior practice play a big role for you to stand there and go thru an entire night.

Let’s say you are already at some sufficient level that you can play a gig. Of course there will be mistakes made. Every single DJ, regardless of how experienced he is, has those little hick ups and makes mistakes while playing to public. It’s inevitable.

The question is how will you know you are a DJ good enough to deserve being in that DJ booth.

First of all, you mentally need to be ready for it. Relaxing and keeping your cool is the first step. Failing a mixing transition is not the end of the world.

If you prepare your track set for the night by carefully choosing the right songs and knowing what your crowd wants to hear, there’s no reason for them to be upset with little DJ’ing errors on the way.

Let’s make a small list of hints telling you that you’re really becoming a DJ.

You know you’re a DJ when..

The list can go on longer. What we mean by all these is that you gain self-confidence and start seeing the big picture by practicing more and playing public gigs as much as you can.

What else tells that you really become a DJ ? Share with us in the comments.



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