DJ’s Business Card : Mix Sets


Promote DJ Business | Digital DJ INFOBeing a real DJ requires a lot of practice and research of music, meaning quite some time and effort  spent.

In return, you’d naturally expect satisfying results as gigs and performances with high exposure in public.

To maintain these results, as a DJ, you need to promote yourself using strong and effective sources.

What are these sources and how will you promote yourself using them ?

Let’s take a look at the most common and established method of DJ promotion, Mix sets.

A DJ mix set is a recording of multiple tracks played and transitioned using mixing techniques. It may be a length of 10-15 minutes up to over an hour.

Easiest way to record your set is via DJ software programs you run on your computer. Almost all of them have the “record” function unless you have the LE or LITE version of certain ones. In that case, you can download a free recording application and use it.

Promotion begins with this step. Prepare your set all tuned up and tagged (audio levels, track and file names, trimming gaps on both ends etc).

Please make sure the sound quality is good, because once you upload it, you set will remain online forever and thousands of people probably will listen to it. The mix set file encoding should be at least 256 kbps.

There are many different and free music communities online DJs use to upload and share their productions and sets.

SoundCloud and Mixcloud are two of the most popular music sharing websites. You must have heard of them already, even using their services.

Create a new, fresh account on any or both of those websites. Do not use your existing log in. The reason is that new login information should be under your DJ name, so that it serves the promotion purposes.

Free membership is limited on Soundcloud (downloads and uploads). You may prefer getting a paid membership waving those limitations.

Using online services will bring the most audience to your musical work, thus it is the ultimate way of promoting your sets and DJ skills.

Try not to extend your recording over 70 minutes. We will explain you why in the next paragraph.

Sets not more than 70 minutes can be burned on CDs. Go buy a pack and make copies of your musical work. When you play to public, people will ask for your promo music because they enjoy it.

You can easily hand them one of your mix set CDs. It also creates a complimentary giveaway and an excellent way of promotion on your side.

Don’t forget, music is your business card to give, share and spread. Better it sounds, more your reputation is.

Do you know any other music sharing sources suitable for DJs other than we mentioned here ? Please share with us.



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